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Volunteer Precinct Chair

The following is a brief summary on the qualifications to be a precinct chair, the roles and responsibilities of a precinct chair, and the kinds of support precinct chairs can expect from the Texas Forward (FWD) Party.

Interim precinct chairs are vetted by FWD county leadership and appointed to serve until precinct conventions in March 2024. Anyone interested in becoming a precinct chair should contact either your county chair or Alex Contreras at [email protected]

Or click HERE, enter your information and tick the "Be a Precinct Chair" box.

Preparing for 2024, FWD Texas must accomplish four things: 1) build a statewide party infrastructure, 2) recruit qualified candidates, 3) conduct nominating conventions, and 4) obtain ballot access under Texas law. Precinct chairs serve a vital role in achieving these goals.


  • No prior experience in organized political affairs is required.
  • Must be a registered voter of the precinct. 
  • Commitment to preside as precinct chair until precinct conventions in March 2024.
  • Ability to conduct one’s affairs publicly and privately in a professional manner.

Roles and Responsibilities

Precinct chairs should expect to spend approximately two hours per week on FWD party tasks. Additional time will be required for organizing precinct conventions in March 2024.

Party Building

The Texas FWD Party intends to nominate and promote candidates for public office in 2024. Building party infrastructure, beginning at the precinct level, is critical to this effort. Precinct chairs will support the party’s 2024 goals by:

  • Host a monthly precinct meeting
  • Participating in recurring county party meetings.
  • Organizing and conducting social, recruitment, and outreach events.

Candidate Recruitment

The candidate filing period for 2024 is Nov. 11 through Dec. 11, 2023. Precinct chairs will aid county chairs in identifying and recruiting FWD-principled candidates, especially for political subdivisions contained within county boundaries.

Conducting Nominating Conventions

Organizing and conducting precinct conventions in March 2024 entail the following for precinct chairs:

  • In coordination with the County Chair, arrange for a suitable precinct convention location, likely a public venue such as a library, restaurant, homeowners' association center, etc. 
  • Ensuring that all statutory requirements are met in terms of delegate qualifications and documentation.
  • Reporting the list of delegates elected to attend the county convention.

Ballot Access Assistance

Obtaining ballot access in Texas requires the support of 1% of those who voted in the last gubernatorial election, evidenced by a combination of attendance at precinct conventions and those who sign a ballot-access petition. Precinct chairs will support this effort by:

  • Working to maximize attendance of qualified precinct convention attendees.
  • Assisting with volunteer efforts in their precinct to conduct the ballot-access petition.

State Party Support

The Party Organization and Oversight Committee will provide continuing ongoing support for the state’s precinct chairs, including a precinct chair handbook.

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